Why is Bhuteshwar Mahadev famous?

Why is Bhuteshwar Mahadev famous? in this information is given about the ancient temple of Bholenath in the dense green forest of Amer in Jaipur.

Why is Bhuteshwar Mahadev famous

The 2100-year-old Bhuteshwar Mahadev temple is surrounded by high hills from all sides due to being in the forest of Amer.

It is said that in old times, many Jinns and ghosts used to live in this area, due to which this temple was named Bhuteshwar Mahadev.

These Jinns and ghosts used to kill any priest who came to the temple. Later, an ascetic Mahatma named Mangal Bandi came here and he controlled them with the power of his penance.

After that time, the priests started worshiping here regularly. Mangal Bandi Maharaj used to remain engrossed in penance at the Tap Sthal near the temple. Even today, his Tap Sthal is present on the right side behind the temple.

It is said that lions used to sit near the Maharaj like pet dogs. The Maharaj used to take them to the pond to drink water.

Maharaj had four disciples living with him whose names were Kedar Bandi, Shankar Bandi etc. Mangal Bandi Maharaj took Samadhi (tomb alive) at this place. His Samadhi is built on the left side just behind the temple.

On the hill in front of the temple, there are ruins of the ancient fort Kuntal Garh built by the Meena kings. Let us tell you that before the Kachwaha dynasty, the Meena kings ruled the Amer state.

An ancient self-manifested Shivling is present inside the sanctum sanctorum. The length of the Shivling is about two and a half feet. The Shivling is quite supernatural in itself.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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रमेश शर्मा

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