Why is Suraj Pol Gate Chittorgarh famous?

Why is Suraj Pol Gate Chittorgarh famous? It is about the complete history of Suraj Pol gate that was an important eastern gate of Chittorgarh fort.

Why is Suraj Pol Gate Chittorgarh famous

In Chittorgarh fort, ahead of Adbhut Ji's temple, on the right side in the east direction, there is a big gate which is called Suraj Pol. From this gate, one gets a beautiful view of the rising sun.

There are two platforms in front of the gate on which sati pillars are installed. These two platforms are memorials of the warriors who attained martyrdom in the war, out of which one memorial is of Chundawat Sardar Rawat Saidas of Salumbhar.

In 1568 AD, in the third battle of Chittorgarh, in the war with Akbar's army, Rawat Saidas Chundawat of Salumbhar was martyred while fighting the Mughal army.

In this war, his only son Kunwar Amar Singh Chundawat also attained martyrdom along with him. From the Suraj Pol gate, a beautiful view of the east direction can be seen from far away outside the fort.

In front of the Aravali hills, there is a hill in such a shape that it seems as if a person is sleeping. This hill is called Kumbhkaran hill or Sleeping Man Mountain.

The empty field before these hills used to be a battlefield once upon a time. During the three battles of Chittor, the enemy army had camped in this field and laid siege to the Chittor fort.

In this field itself, the Mewar army fought with Alauddin Khilji in 1303 AD, Bahadur Shah of Gujarat in 1535 AD and the army of Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1568 AD.

Before the time of Maharana Kumbha, the main entrance of the Chittorgarh fort was Suraj Pol. There were 6 more doors to reach this door from below, out of which only one door is present now. The name of this door below Suraj Pol was probably Chunda Pol.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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