Who is current Maharana of Mewar?

Who is current Maharana of Mewar? It is about 77th Ekling Diwan Maharana Mewar whose coronation took places in Chittorgarh fort after 5 centuries.

Who is current Maharana of Mewar?

Although the coronation of a new Maharana has always taken place in the Mewar kingdom, but this time the coronation of the 77th Ekling Diwan i.e. the 77th Maharana of Mewar in the form of Vishvraj Singh has been very special in many ways.

The specialty of this coronation is that it did not take place in Udaipur but in Chittor's Fateh Prakash Palace i.e. the coronation of any Maharana of Mewar has taken place in Chittor after 493 years.

Maharana Vikramaditya was coronated in the Chittor fort in the 16th century, which was the last coronation of any Maharana of Mewar in Chittor.

Maharana Vikramaditya was coronated at the age of 14 in 1531 AD due to the death of Maharana Ratan Singh, the elder brother of Maharana Vikramaditya.

In 1535, Banveer, the slave son of Kunwar Prithviraj, the eldest son of Maharana Raimal, killed Vikramaditya and declared himself Maharana.

After this, Banveer went to kill Vikramaditya's younger brother Kunwar Udai Singh, but Panna Dhai saved him by sacrificing her son Chandan.

After Vikramaditya, Maharana Udai Singh was crowned in Kumbhalgarh, Maharana Pratap in Gogunda and Amar Singh in Chavand. All the subsequent Maharanas were crowned in Udaipur only.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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